Protect Black Women!
“The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.” — Malcolm X
In a world with filled with so much hate and defeat, black women face so many obstacles. Many times, we are the first ones to speak up for others and in other cases we carry the weight of our families, relationships and much more on our shoulders. I had the opportunity to sit down and have an open discussion with Shay Williams from “Therapy with Shay” and Shonte from “Sippin with Shonte podcast,” around the topic of “Protect Black Women.” We wanted to raise awareness around what this truly means to us as black women, but to also let people know that we are more than a hashtag or social experiment.
Our goal with this conversation was to raise awareness as black women about the differences we face daily, but also how we can do better as black women to support one another. Aside from doing better by one another, we also discussed how we can show up better for ourselves because lets be real.. If we are not fully together mind, body, spirit and soul, then there is no way that we can possibly show up in other spaces and be of some value or support to others.
“You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” —Shirley Chisolm
As a black creator, podcaster, blogger and most importantly a black woman, I want to use my voice to continue raising awareness for my community and to encourage others to continue or begin educating themselves on the things that we bring to light to grasp a clear understanding of our fight and drive! The only way that we can possibly make an impactful change is to begin and stand in the gaps for those around us.
Please take the time to check out our full conversation in which will be linked below to gain a better understanding of our dialogue. Of course, an hour and a half conversation isn't enough to give a clear understanding of our standpoint as black women, however it scratches the surface and opens the floor for more conversation.
This conversation can also be listened to on any major podcast platform or check out the podcast tab for further information.